Sunday, May 30, 2010

Visa Vie

It is 5:30am, Monday, May 31 - not quite Memorial Day in the states - and today I head home for two weeks. I do not yet have my working visa, so I am only allowed in Italy for 90 days in a 180 day period. Thus, I must head home.

I am excited to get home and see my family. I have missed them greatly. I am also somewhat disappointed to be leaving work. It is very exciting to be part of a start up, particularly when you get to share everything you have learned over the past 20 years, and there is so much to do. We are just 4 months away right now, and I still have not officially hired anyone. I had hoped to have a few coordinating producers in place by the time I left. While home, I will continue to interview over the phone to get these positions filled.

I don't have a lot of time right now, but I can tell you since last I posted here, I have been so many places. On Saturday, I returned to Venice for the first time in nearly 39 years. As I was 4 the last time I was in Europe, I was surprised how much of Venice seemed familiar. It is a beautiful city and it did not "smell" as I had been warned.

I went with Michelle Graham, a fellow ex-pat, Claudio Rivebene (our head of IT), his American-wife Sherry, and Francesco Carpelli (our casting director helping to find show hosts). It is always nice to have Italians with you on any trip as they are very interested in sharing all they know. It really heightens the experience. Plus they can get you in places that no tourist would ever find.

Lunch in Venice was off the beaten trail (Claudio's suggestion). I had the squid with ink and polenta. It was OK. I am trying to eat all of the local cuisine. When in Rome....

Saturday afternoon, we drove to the site of QVC-US Vicenza remote and saw many American friends (Alan Massaro, Jen Volansky, Russ Fama to name a few.) We stayed at the remote for a few hours and Francesco and I briefly interviewed one of the show's guest (Irene Sira) for a shot at a show hosts job. I think she has potential, so at least I may have something work related come out of the Saturday sight-seeing trip.

Dinner Saturday night was in a lovely restaurant in Vicenza, recommended by another QVC-IT employee from the area, Giorgio De Gobbi. This time a calmer Italian dish of pasta for dinner.

It was long drive back from Venice to Milan and the night did not end until after 2am. I do enjoy driving in Italy, as I was behind the wheel for the entire trip. I particularly enjoyed the crazy switch back roads encountered between the QVC remote location and Vicenza!

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