Monday, May 10, 2010

Planes, Trains and Automobiles

Well, after hours of trying, I finally made it to Milan. Sunday night's flight was uneventful, even if it was an hour longer due to transatlantic flights taking the circle route north of Iceland to avoid the volcanic ash cloud.

Thankfully, there were no problems with my bags. A concern, since I had not seen them since Saturday afternoon. Glad they were aboard. QVC had provided a driver, which took me to my small, but nice Una Hotel. I showered and got ready for work. Full suits are the attire here in Italy. The hotel hailed me a cab which took me to my final destination, QVC-Italia.

Once there I met with all of the folks that I have been emailing with, Gregg, Cele, Mattias, and Steve. I also met John Thomas for the first time. He is the guy who gets start ups started for QVC. He was very gracious and really showed me around the place.

I was shown detailed drawings of the set, I met with the set designer and human resources, and got my office set up. OK, I can't see the Italian Alps from my window, but at least I have a window which provides me a view of an upper middle class neighborhood in Cusano Miliano (a Milano suburb.)

After arriving at about 3pm, work was over in time to catch the 7:48 S4 train back into Milano.
Once in the hotel, I changed and went for a walk. I am right in the center of Milan within a brief walk of the famous Sforza castle and Duomo cathedral.

After checking them both out, I sat down for my first meal in Milan. A plate of Spaghetti Marinara at a street side cafe'. It was great!

OK - off to video chat with my family.

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