Friday, May 14, 2010


If there has been anything consistent about my first week in Milan, it has been the rain. It rains everyday, and like clockwork, it rains on the way to the train to work and on the way from work. During the work day, the sun may shine or it might shine for a few minutes in the morning If you don't like the weather, wait a minute. Never was a truer statement made. For instance Friday morning, there was bright sunshine in Milan. By the time the 20 minute train ride to Cusano Milanino (home of QVC-Italia's temporary offices), was complete there was a driving thunderstorm.

Another thing that is consistent it the food. It is as delicious as advertised. What has been an interesting experience is the variety of people you have dinner with ,when working at an International company. Just this past week I have eaten with people from Japan, Australia, Sweden, UK, Italy (duh) and the States. Another reason why this will be a great experience for the kids.

I had dinner last night in Monza. It is unbelievably beautiful. This is the home of fellow expats, Lisa Mazzenga, John Thomas and Michelle Graham. It will probably be the Wennersten's future home as well. I am visiting again tomorrow. I will take pictures and post.

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