Thursday, May 13, 2010

On Italian Time

Yesterday, Thursday May 13 was the most eventful day so far. My first senior managament meeting was held. We took a trip to Brugherio, the home of our new studios, I conducted my first interview, and I met with a casting director who will be a great help in providing show hosts.

The SMT meeting was perhaps the most mundane of them all, with each member providing an update on his or her department. Mine was relatively weak, considering I have only been here a few days.

The new Italian home of QVC was much more impressive The studios are amazing for a start up. While they are not close to complete, the entire staff was given a tour of the facilities. Very impressive. This was an important trip for many of the employees, as we are currently working in dingy temporary offices. It's nice to know there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

My first interview was interesting. It was with a salesman who works for EMI-Italia. The interview was conducted in English and the man would not answer my questions directly. I was like, "Is this how all Italian interviews are going to be?" My HR director was with me in the interview. Afterword, she assured me that this was not normal behavior. Most Italians will answer you directly. Needless to say, he will not be getting the job.

The casting director has been working with my CEO for sometime now, but this was the first I got meet him. I am excited to say that there have been many respondents to all positions and that Italians seem to have a great interest in working for a multi-national American company like QVC. I expect to have to review between 70 and 100 audition tapes by this time next week.

One thing that I am learning about Italy, is there is something called "Italian Time." For those QVC employees who are reading this, it is rather synonymous with Bot time. Everything runs just a little bit late, and it is ok to be a few minutes late for anything. Work goes late, eating dinner, trains, etc.

That said, I am Italian Time for breakfast and the train to work. Must go now.

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